Jennifer Asha talks about Visual Literacy in the Primary and Secondary Classroom

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Comprehension strategies and visual texts

The aim of teaching visual grammar is to assist with making meaning, or comprehending, visual texts. Using the 'Super Six' strategies for comprehension apply equally to visual texts as written texts.
Connecting: How does this visual image remind me of other visuals I have seen or other texts I have read or heard? (Text to text connections) For example; does an image in a picture book remind me of a photograph from a newspaper article or the artworks of a famous artist?
How is my interpretation of this visual image effected by my past experiences?  (Text to self connections) For example; if I love dogs an image including a dog will elicit a different response than if I were afraid of dogs.
How could this visual image represent issues or concerns in my community, country or the world? (Text to world connections)
Summarising: How could I describe in a few sentences what is shown in this image? What key ideas are shown in the visual image?
Predicting: How can I use this image to predict what is going to happen in subsequent images or written text? Does the image show something that the writing doesn't? Does the image position me in a way that leads me to predict a certain way?
Questioning: What questions does this image lead me to ask? What questions might other viewers have?
Monitoring: How does this image help me to understand the text that it is part of? What don't I understand about this image? How does the image match or mismatch what I have viewed and read so far?
Visualising: Does this image match or add to the mental image I was forming?

For more information on 'Super Six' strategies as they apply to written texts visit or
Please contact me if you have any questions about visual grammar or comprehending visual texts.

1 comment:

visch16 said...

i think these strategies would be useful when reading 'Are We There Yet' with year 2!