Jennifer Asha talks about Visual Literacy in the Primary and Secondary Classroom

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Given and New – the analysis of Journey by Aaron Becker

Journey by Aaron Becker, as its name states, is a remarkable visual journey, a story told through rich symbolic illustrations that draw the reader into the magical realm of the story and encourages them to believe in the power of imagination.

Given and new
Told without words, this narrative relies on the layout and choice of placement of elements within the image to guide the eye of the reader through the story. One of the techniques used by Aaron Becker is given and new, the terms that refer to a left to right layout of illustrations.
            The left side of an image is symbolically the given, the information that is familiar or already known to the reader. While the right side of an illustration signifies what is new or unfamiliar information to the reader.

The story of Journey begins in a recognisable cityscape with children playing on the left side of the illustration. The main character of the story is visually introduced positioned in the right side of the image.
            As the story evolves the salient red crayon attracts the attention of the viewer to the young girl positioned on the left, as she draws her way into a landscape of her own imaging and leaves the monochromed real world behind. Vectors created by a of strings of lights, a flowing river and the like draw the eye of the reader through each new scene that unfolds on the right side of the page opening.
            The workings of these visual elements serve to absorb the reader as they emulate the actions and subsequent awe and wonder of the main character.

Watch the making of Journey.
Read Aaron Becker’s blog:

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